Friday, July 8, 2011


This is a Notable Book for Children

Exposition: The story takes place in a shopping area of a town. Otis the shopkeeper is about to close up shop after selling his last item in the store. But before he can lock the door in walks the richest lady in town, Suzie Gump.
Conflict: When asked what's for sale Otis replies nothing. Suzie gladly wants to pay for nothing. Otis thought she was ridiculous. Then he remembered what his father had told him, "The customer is always right." He takes Suzie's money and puts nothing in her car.
Rising Action: After the town gets wind that Suzie is buying nothing they all want some too. The other shopkeepers are happy to take the people's money in exchange for nothing.
Climax: People had to get rid of all their things in order to make room for nothing. As people are dumping their belongings out the window, Otis is quickly collecting it and is able to restock his shop.
Falling Action: Suzie realizes that having nothing means she doesn't have even a towel or bathrobe. She decides to go back into town and back into Otis's shop. When she asks what's for sale she is told by Otis, "Everything." She gets out her checkbook and buys it all.
Resolution: As Suzie loads up, Otis is once again left with an empty shop. Then in walks another customer and asks what's for sale. Otis does not want the same thing to occur again and tells the man he's closed.

The illustrations in this book are fun, colorful and lively. They are perfect for this cute story about nothing and everything. They are cartoon-like and simple. Many span two pages with the text embedded within the illustration.

Agee, J. (2007). Nothing. New York: Hyperion Books for Children.

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