Sunday, October 2, 2011

Room by Emma Donoghue


Donoghue, E. (2010). Room. Little, Brown and Company: New York.

Told by the point-of-view of five year old Jack, this story begins in Room where he has been held captive with his mother by Old Nick. Jack’s point-of-view is that of the innocent and naïve. He loves living in Room and does not seem to think there is anything unusual about it. Ma has established a daily routine for the two of them which allows Jack to feel a sense of normalcy about his living conditions. Through an elaborate plan where Jack must pretend to be dead, the two are able to escape. Telling the story through the voice of a child allows the reader to understand Jack’s unhappiness once he is away from Room. He struggles in the real world and desperately misses his days when he was alone with Ma. The story is written for adults but it is also a one that young adult readers can appreciate. Teens may be able to appreciate the horrific aftermath that occurs when events like this happen in the real world.  I appreciated the last scene where Jack and Ma visit Room one last time. It looks different to him and smaller. It brings some closure for him.

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